
We have started getting the forms together that will help frame the windows and be there for the concrete column and bond beam. There has been a lot of thought put into how to do this the best way and get it very precise. We will find out how we did once we get the stones up.

2 thoughts on “Forms!

  1. carhartt986 August 26, 2021 / 19:54

    What is a ‘bond beam’ Frank and Kerry? Also, I may be repeating myself (old age) but is this the only area that you will have to remove this much stone to fix? If not, what other areas on the facade need attention?

    Liked by 1 person

    • moorelandhouse August 26, 2021 / 20:16

      We are not professionals. We are calling the concrete we are going to pour above the windows a “bond beam”. It will be spanning from one side of the opening, across the column and then to the other side. Since it will be tying everything together, we are calling it a bond beam. This is the biggest area that will need redone. As far as we know. Of course, the side of the tower is missing that whole section.


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