Holes are gone.

We have patched all the holes. Kerry went around and found all the knot holes in the decking and covered them with flashing metal. From the attic side the metal is brown so it blends in. We now are putting down a layer of fiberglass underlayment and the first layer of the modified bitumen roofing. Frank is glad he has a layer that isn’t going to be seen to practice on. =)

Goodbye to the tarp!

We have officially started removing the tarp on the top of the Mooreland House! This day has been a long time coming. We put the first tarp on a year ago and it lasted for about 3 months. The tarp that we are taking off now made it 9 months. It is going to be nice to not worry about it blowing off when a big wind storm comes through.

Thanks Everyone!

Just wanted to throw a thank you out to our most loyal followers. There are almost 200 of you that followed us from FaceBook to our first website and then ultimately to this website. You guys helped Kerry get 2,500 views on her anniversary video. She is 15 people away from 2,000 subscribers. Without you guys to share the videos and stuff we could never grow our YouTube. We are beginning the final covering on the roof. Stick with us, we have another great year ahead.

One Year Later!

We have officially owned the Mooreland House for one year now! Looking from the outside it might not seem like we have done a lot but… we have video proof that we have been working on it. =) Kerry went through our videos and made some new video to document the year journey we have been on so far. We tried to make the video as succinct as possible so not everything made it in. Here’s to another year!

Kerry wants suggestions…

Our one year anniversary of working on the Mooreland House is coming up this weekend. We closed on May 22 of 2020. Kerry is working on the video this week and would like to know if there is anything that you want to see a before/after picture or video of. The sooner you get in your idea, the more likely it is that it might be used. Meanwhile, enjoy a picture of the Mooreland House with a freshly cut yard.